Ground, Focus and Create Together


Deep Divers is the official Artist Morning paid membership community.

If you enjoy Artist Morning and are interested in working more closely with Darius, this is a great opportunity to go deeper together.

The Deep Divers membership is here to help people ground their energy, focus their attention, and get shit DONE in a joyful and sustainable way.


1. People who are ready to share more of their gifts with the world.
2. People who are tired of working alone and need healthy accountability.
3. People who have an ever-growing To-Do List and want help getting shit done.
4. People who find it difficult to stay away from online distractions.
5. People who are excited about growing as a community.


  • Deep Dive CO-WORKS
    (Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 1-3pm EST)

    • We meet twice a week for a 2-hour Zoom call, bringing 1-3 tasks from our To-Do Lists.

    • I guide us through a short grounding exercise before we dive in.

    • We share what we’re working on for the first 25-minute dive.

    • We leave our videos on and start working.

    • At the end of each 25-minute dive, we do a quick check-in for progress and accountability.

    • Then we rinse and repeat. In total, there are four 25-minute dives within the 2-hour Deep Dive period.


    You get to choose if you want to Deep Dive Co-Work with us 1 or 2 days a week.

    If you can’t make it to both days that’s totally okay. You can always start with 1 day and add the second day later (at no extra cost).

  • Deep Dive CLASSES
    (Once a month on a Monday, 1:30-2:30pm EST)

    A fun and interactive class that will be taught on Zoom. There will be many different themes and topics, but the intention of Deep Dive CLASSES is to provide members with a range of lessons to help them grow their confidence and build sustainable productivity, so they can share more of their gifts with the world.

    These classes will be recorded and shared with all members within 48 hours, for those who can’t attend live.

  • Deep Dive Q & A
    (Once a month on a Monday, 1:30-2:30pm EST)

    Once a month, Darius and Lilian will host a community question-and-answer Zoom session. This is a great opportunity to ask Darius questions and get direct coaching and mentorship from him. If you don’t have any questions you are still welcome to join. The discussions can be very lively and creatively stimulating. There’s lots to gain by just listening to other people’s questions as well.

    These Zoom sessions will be recorded and shared with all members within 48 hours, for those who can’t attend live.

  • BONUS: 7-Day Audio Course
    Supercharge Your Creativity (over 4500 students)

    As a free bonus, you will also receive Darius’ Insight Timer audio course called Supercharge Your Creativity. Over 4500 students have taken it, so far, with an average rating of 4.93 out of 5.

    This course is built for anyone who feels something inside their heart that is longing to be expressed in the world. Maybe it’s a new project, a business, a book, a podcast, a course, a relationship, a career, a family, or something else.


For the first 20 members, I am offering a Founding Members rate of $88 per month USD. After the first 20 members, the rate will go up to $111 per month USD.

One exception to the first 20 Founding Members rule… If you were in the pilot, you are guaranteed the Founding Members rate, as long as you sign up before May 31st, 2024.


  • For the first 20 members there will be a Founding Members special rate of $88 USD a month. Founding members will secure that rate for as long as they are members.

    After the first 20 spots are filled, the rate will be $111 USD a month.

    Membership fees are paid monthly and you can cancel at any time.

  • As long as you can make it at least once a week you should be fine. The Deep Diver Classes and Deep Dive Q&A will be recorded and shared with all members within 48 hours of the session.

  • Yes.

    This is a video ON community.

    When we put our videos on, that increases the accountability and thereby increases the productivity levels. It’s harder to slack with videos on, and the goal here is to build momentum by getting things done.

  • Yes, eventually the price will go up. But you are secure at the current price you signed up at, as long as you continue your membership (without interruption).

  • You can literally bring any task.

    Common tasks include:

    • Taxes

    • Invoicing

    • Administrative work

    • Cleaning your email inbox

    • Creating a website

    • Creating a course/workshop/talk

    • Painting

    • Writing

    • Social media posts

    • Catching up on a course

    • Stretching/yoga

    • Cleaning your desk/home

    • Even napping is welcome. Rest is essential to sustainable productivity.

    All your tasks, as long as they are not disrespectful to other members, are welcome.

    When we build healthy and consistent structures to help us get things done weekly, we build our confidence and make space for the bigger and more meaningful goals in our lives.