There are 5 amazing humans that I want to thank.

Each played a big role in inspiring me to make this site.

1) Julia Cameron for her masterpiece The Artist Way. I was on week 2 of her book, when I came up with this idea.

2) Lilian Motta for being my forever “Day One”. When I first came up with this crazy idea, I asked Lilian if she’d be my first participant. The first Zoom session was literally just me and Lil. Without her love and support, there would not be an Artist Morning. Every creator needs a Lilian in their lives. Someones who believes in them, but also isn’t afraid to give them real and productive feedback.

3) Blake Fly who taught me the power of virtual communities. His accountability group, ProjectFinished is a powerful community for any entrepreneur who is ready to level-up and needs some accountability.

4) Jenn Mansell who is a master of holding space for humans. She has taught me so much about how to feel and process emotions.

5) My mom. Yes, that’s right my mom. When I was 18 years old she paid me $20 to listen to a 30-min meditation tape. I fell asleep and she never gave me the $20, but she did continue trying to bribe me into meditating. I resisted for years, but eventually I gave in. My mom can be very persistent.

That was the most important thing anyone has ever done for me.

Thanks mom!

BONUS shoutout to COVID-19. This website was birthed in less than 24 hours on day 14 of my quarantine.